Mountain Research and Development Journal
Photo by Marlène Thibault

Copyright and permissions

MRD’s copyright and permissions policy changed in 2009, when the journal adopted an open access policy. Accordingly, different policies apply to contents published as of 2009 (Vols 29–) and contents published before 2009 (Vols 1–28).

Contents published as of 2009 (Vols 29–): open access   Creative Commons Licence

Since 2009, MRD has been subject to the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. Authors agree that their work will be published in MRD under these terms. Copyright in articles is retained by the authors, but anyone may read, download, copy, reuse, distribute, print, search, and link to the full texts of articles in MRD provided that the original authors and source are properly acknowledged and cited. For any reuse or redistribution of a work, the license terms under which the work was published must be made clear.

The Editorial Office and the author(s) welcome being informed about any republication of the work.

Contents published before 2009 (Vols 1–28): ask Editorial Office

Copyright in contents published in MRD before 2009 (Vols 1–28) is held jointly by the International Mountain Society and the United Nations University. Permission for reproduction of these contents must be obtained from MRD’s Editorial Office, who grants permission on behalf of the copyright holders. Please e-mail your request to